Oct. 10 Grand Australia and New Zealand

We're booked on this trip and so excited. I'm just curious. What type of plane does Tauck use for the inter-tour flights? And is there a seating assignment as there is on the busses?
We are arriving in Melborne early and are planning to do the Great Ocean Road tour. Good idea?


  • They are private charter, but I think you are still assigned seats. Flights hardly long enough to worry s out where you are seated.
  • Private charter in each country and seats were assigned just like on the bus. Commercial flight between Australia and New Zealand. It's a wonderful trip.
  • Thanks to both of you.
  • I'm on this tour that begins Oct. 8. I have booked a day trip to the Great Ocean Rd. for Sunday, Oct.7. I booked through Viator, but the local tour operator is ATT Kings. A while ago, someone on this forum (I believe "John") had good things to say about that tour. The pick up at the hotel is at 7:10 a.m.
  • Thanks, MCD. We booked with Ocean Road tours for the 10th. It is shorter than many of them, leaving at 6 am, returning @ 4:30.

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