Question about small ship Le Dumont D'Urville

We are considering the trip to St Petersburg on this small ship. The only room available is next to the elevator. Can anyone who has experience with this situation comment on noise level, foot traffic noise, etc. Thanks.


  • edited September 2018
    I think maybe a tough question to answer ... I don’t think this ship is sailing yet. We are on Le Champlain in January. I’m guessing that they will make sure the elevator is quiet, because it is adjacent to some pretty pricey staterooms.

    I would suggest calling Ponant and ask them. Le Laperouse and Le Champlain are the same class of boat, and I believe both of them are now sailing.
  • If the ship is the same as Le Laperouse you will be fine. Our room was opposite an elevator and we never heard it in our room, it was very quiet. In fact, it turned out to be really convenient to get around the ship quickly and efficiently. Book that room before it goes! Hey and let us know about the tour when you return.
  • BRtraveler wrote:
    We are considering the trip to St Petersburg on this small ship. The only room available is next to the elevator. Can anyone who has experience with this situation comment on noise level, foot traffic noise, etc. Thanks.

    A little curious about your specific requirements. There appears to be fairly good availability in several classes of staterooms on all of the 2019 trips, so I’m only guessing that you require a very specific type of room?

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