luggage dimensions for Australia /New Zealand trip

I have a question about the carry on luggage dimensions. they say max is 20x15x10 which comes out to be 45 inches. Mine is 45 inches but different dimension: 15x8x22. Do you think these will be approved by TAUCK? Thanks


  • Do not sweat the carry on from Tauck's standpoint. The only critical thing is your Air New Zealand flight from Sydney to Wellington. If it doesn't meet their size criteria, you may have to check it. Check their website so you know for sure. Tauck will accommodate your carry-on. Odds are it will fit fine in their charter planes and buses, but if not, they can store in with the big luggage in the charter plane belly or in the luggage storage under the bus. I really wouldn't worry about this.
  • Feel free to give Tauck a call on this.
  • I had the same question and our agent did call Tauck. They were not overly concerned with the different dimension. But That is a good point to check the Quantus website and found they look standard, but be sure to read for yourself:
  • The disadvantage of taking a larger carry on suitcase that might be taken off you to stow in the luggage area is that you should not leave things like medications, camera and other valuables in them.
    On the buses, you will have to stand around waiting to get your bag while others can go to their rooms, sometimes there is so little time from arriving at your hotel to having or go down to dinner, I often put my toiletries and my clean clothes in my carry on so I have immediate access to them
    Also, if everyone takes a bag that may have to go under the bus, the tour director will probably have to ask people to be at the bus earlier as it will delay the driver being ready to depart. I have seen this happen and when departure is earlier, I want as much time in bed as possible rather than get up early because others can't organize sensible luggage.
    Our carry on is always a small backpack each so we can run through an airport easily, it happens now and again when the first flight gets delayed.

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