Travel day departure Jan 7 2019

Traveling with my mom on Han 7 2019 but planning to arrive a day early. Anyone else is leaving on that day and is interested in one day tour of Halong Bay? Also, do we need an extra day at the end of the tour?


  • Do you realize it is a four hour drive to Halong Bay, you need to do at least an overnight there on a boat. Suggest you go two days early.
  • we are landing on the 5th. technically i can do overnight trip. any suggestion as far as what tour guide to use would be appreciated
  • Sorry no, I did the Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos tour and Halong Bay was included. Check back through the archives on your tour, there are lots of references to Halong Bay and the different companies people have used.
  • I did, thank you, will try to book 2d/1n. Also wondering if there is anything else to do at the end of the tour in Bangkok that is worth staying extra day for. Not a beach person, so looking for something that Tauck did not cover and is worth seeing.
  • Sophia, we first stopped in Hong Kong for several days before heading on to Hanoi. We got to Hanoi a day early and went to Halong Bay for the day. It is 3 hours each way and was a very long day but it was well worth it if you do not have time to go overnight. We left the hotel at either 8 or 8:30am and got back to the hotel at 7:30pm. Below is the company we used and Mr. Viet was our tour guide. He was fabulous and easy to understand. He came with a driver so he can concentrate on giving you information. I highly recommend that you request him. We made all the arrangements by email.

    Viet Vision Travel - Tracey Nguyen | Sales Manager
    Hanoi head office: No 31 Van Mieu street, Dong Da district, Hanoi, Vietnam
    Ho Chi Minh office: 5th Floor Thanh Dung Tower, 179 Nguyen Cu Trinh, 1 district, Ho Chi Minh City
    Tel: 84 24 3556 1146 // 3556 1172 – Ext: 313
    Fax: 84 24 3556 1147
    Mobile: 84 986 430 302
    Skype: Lan.vietvisiontravel

    BTW, we have done 11 trips with Tauck and this one is certainly one of the top 3. Enjoy.

    We did not stay an extra day in Bangkok.
  • Thank you for the info. I will contact them ASAP as it is planned at the last minute. Glad you loved the tour, it sounds very exotic.
    We spent extra time in HK during our China tour a few years ago.

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