Sea sickness?

As far as getting sea sick: could anyone who traveled on one of the Tauck's ships to Iceland share their experience, especially if they are prone to get sea sick.
Would deck 3 be better? Or really does not matter?
I know I could take Dramamine, etc. - but then will be getting sleepy and not care much of what I see...So would really prefer to travel without any "aid" like that.
Any information anyone could share is much appreciated!
Thank you in advance.


  • We were there in July and the first night was very rough, were literally feeling or were being lifted up and down from our beds, but after that we were fine. We generally don’t get seasick so I can’t comment further. The boat is small so I am not sure where the cabin is would matter. We were on deck 5 I think. We generally take land tours so I cannot from experience say more on room positions.
  • We had no issues doing Greenland and Iceland, We eat green apples.
  • We did the Iceland trip a couple of years ago and didn't have an issue with seasickness. In general, you will experience less "rocking" in cabins located on a lower deck and toward the middle of the ship.
  • Thank you, everyone, for your replies!
    I heard about ginger, but didn't know about green apples. I guess their acidity helps with nausea?
    Unfortunately, I got kind of a bad case of motion sickness.
  • edited November 2018
    Why don't you take a land tour instead? I know Tauck doesn't do them there, but it may be a better alternative for you, there is plenty to see within the Reykjavik area and it is easy to arrange land excursions, I know at least three people who have toured by land.
  • Thank you, British, for your suggestion. I have been to Iceland twice before - land tours both times. Loved it there and want to go back!
    Tauck goes to some of the places I have not visited yet - that's why considering this cruise.

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