Christmas Markets along the Danube December 9 2018

Hello from Dallas, Texas! We were wondering if there were any concerns amongst you about the low water levels on the Danube between Vienna and Nuremberg?


  • We are on the December 9th Christmas Markets Cruise from Nuremberg to Vienna. I have been concerned about the low water levels and been on another website's forum as people comment their concerns and how other companies are handling their tours, tracking the boats, and checking weather. I just received an email from my TA with an attached letter from Tauck. It said much the same thing as the Travel Alert at the top of this website. Right now I think we will be going but there may be some changes but expect Tauck to handle everything well as can be expected. We have been on the Danube River twice but chose this tour over a year ago as the Christmas Markets have been on my bucket list. Whatever changes there may be I expect to have a wonderful time.
  • edited December 2018
    I am on this trip and have been following the water levels on CC. I haven’t heard anything from either Tauck or my TA but have decided no matter what happens we’re going to have a great time. This is my first time on Tauck but based on friends reviews of Taulk I’m sure they will do a good job no matter what transpires. Hopefully the rains that are expected next week will alleviate the problem before we embark.
  • edited December 2018
    I heard from our agent and also spoke with a Tauck rep. Seems like the Rhine is more of a concern, actually we have friends that were leaving Thursday who had their trip cancelled. It is supposed to rain a lot this week and that should help too. Danube is more of an issue in Cologne. Keeping our fingers crossed for a great trip with our daughter and son in law coming too. I love Austria and Bavaria !
  • Nutmeggirl wrote:
    I heard from our agent and also spoke with a Tauck rep. Seems like the Rhine is more of a concern, actually we have friends that were leaving Thursday who had their trip cancelled. It is supposed to rain a lot this week and that should help too. Danube is more of an issue in Cologne. Keeping our fingers crossed for a great trip with our daughter and son in law coming too. I love Austria and Bavaria !

    Something lost in translation- you mean the Rhine is more of an issue in Cologne?

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