April 18 departure, Jewish History optional tour in Shanghai

We are thinking of arranging a tour with Dvir Ben Gal, a noted historian and from my Almer Mater ( Tel Aviv University), options seem to be:
April 29 or 30 th pm

Or, on April 29 am, but this would be instead of the Yu Gardens and would be about 3 hours so we catch up with the group for lunch.

I believe he needs 8 people to make a group so please let me know if you are interested, and I’ll find out prices.

Previous Tauck tour did include Jewish history, but I checked and was informed that it wont be included, which seems a shame.

See you in China!


  • I've been trying to contact Dvir and had no response for months. Have you had a response? I'm trying to plan an excursion for May. Please let me know at Supersecdd at aol dot com.
  • During our trip this past June, our local Tauck guide, Fun Fun, did an excellent job touring us in the Jewish ghetto. She was well versed in history and Judaism, and had been to Israel herself. We were impressed that she pointed out a mezuzah on the door, a Chinese language ketubah, and things of that sort. It was easy to arrange and confirm the availability of the local guide with our Tauck tour director (Larry, who if you are lucky enough to get, will be the best you ever had) at the beginning of the tour. The ghetto tour took place during an afternoon at leisure, after the rest of the group was returned to the hotel. Enjoy your travels - this entire trip is excellent.
  • I’d be thrilled to take another tour with Larry, I hope we get him for this tour next year.
  • When in May are you going? We are on the tour that begins May 9 and would be interested in joining a Jewish tour i Shanghai.

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