Gala event and how to dress



  • Good for you Elizabeth on the weight lose. If I could just lose 10 before the end of May.

    Our first cruise I worried and worried about clothing. Definitely over packed on dressy wear. Brought shoes that never got worn, a dress worn once, etc. After 3 cruises and 2 land tours I've given up getting it exactly right. Thought the UK would be warmer on our ESW tour then had to buy a coat & fleece pullover. Thought it would be cold in Ireland last summer and spent the 2nd week in a heat wave. Every trip I always wish I'd brought something left at home or left something home I brought.

    Here's my basic tips for packing that I'll be using for this trip:

    - a least a couple of weeks before hand I'll start staging clothing and other items in the guest room and put everything I think I want to take there, then start a process of whittling it down or identifying items needed
    - select slacks that are the same color or that can be worn with the same shoes - shoes can be heavy - take as few as possible
    - pick out 2-3 tops that can be worn with each pair of pants - ideally a top will go with more than one pair of pants
    - chose day-wear that is comfortable, but can easily go into dinner with only slight changes - swap the sneakers for a pair of sandals or flats to give your feet a break, grab a wrap or scarf
    - definitely bring an evening wrap/sweater as even in the summer it can be cool on the sundeck and you don't want to miss the action there.
    - scarves are lighter weight than necklaces to add color/bling
    - at dinner on board you only need your room keycard and maybe your smartphone for photos - bring a small zip bag to hold them or get a phonecase with a card holder - you might want a small evening bag for Vienna
    - while jeans are popular and fine for day touring, they are heavy and can't be easily laundered in a sink - however, the ships's laundry is fairly fast and I've used it
    - at least a few of my tops and all my undies are lightweight enough to sink launder and hang over the line provided in the shower
    - pack a sink stopper (oxos silicon one is good), a couple of clothes pins for socks, and a tiny empty spray bottle to help with wrinkles - the ship does have irons/ironing boards if you absolutely need them
    - pack a lightweight rain coat and knit jacket or sweater
    - check the weather forecast as far out as I can then adjust accordingly
    - do a test pack of my checked bag to make sure I allow at least 5-10 pounds for shopping - I do pack at least 1 change of clothes and sleep shirt in my carry-on bag along with meds, valuables, charging cables, etc

    Do the best you can and don't worry about getting it perfect. I now believe that's impossible.
  • Thank you! I'm also trying to lose about 10 pounds before the trip, cause I'm up some.

    These are great tips.
  • Also, a big one ---- don't worry about wearing an outfit multiple times as long as it's clean. Unless truly memorable, nobody but you will even notice or care.

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