Extended Stay

My family of 4 is planning to take the 'Sweet Life' tour starting 6/5/19. We would like to extend our stay about 3 days beyond the 6/11 tour completion. Any suggestions that would not require too much additional travel time?


  • In the Naples area, you could visit Herculaneum and the National Archaeological museum (it has all the good stuff from Pompeii that is too valuable to leave in place). You could go back to Rome, lots more to see there (too much to list here, check a guidebook). Going back to Rome would give you the advantage of making your flights a round trip to Rome (probably the cheapest flight option).

    If it were me, I'd go to Florence, the greatest tourist city in Italy (IMHO), but that's probably more travel than you want to do.

    Happy travels!
  • edited January 2019
    PCawley wrote:
    My family of 4 is planning to take the 'Sweet Life' tour starting 6/5/19. We would like to extend our stay about 3 days beyond the 6/11 tour completion. Any suggestions that would not require too much additional travel time?

    Ken has provided excellent advice. For more suggestions check out the archives of this forum, Classic Italy, Classic Italy, Small Groups, and any other tours that start or end in Sorrento. There is literally too much to see, not enough time!!!
  • In the Naples area, you could visit Herculaneum and the National Archaeological museum (it has all the good stuff from Pompeii that is too valuable to leave in place). You could go back to Rome, lots more to see there (too much to list here, check a guidebook). Going back to Rome would give you the advantage of making your flights a round trip to Rome (probably the cheapest flight option).

    If it were me, I'd go to Florence, the greatest tourist city in Italy (IMHO), but that's probably more travel than you want to do.

    Happy travels!

    Hi, Rome is the most beautiful city in the world (for me)! I recommend you to visit: 1) Basilica di San Pietro, 2) Colosseo and Fori 3) Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi 4) Villa Borghese 5) Trastevere. If you would like to eat well in Rome I suggest you to read this guide. There are a lot of excellent restaurants...and enjoy Rome! :))

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