French Escapade: Southbound Paris to Monte Carlo May 1, 2019

Hello. My husband and I are booked on this cruise departing on May 1. Would like to hear from people who have experienced this cruise before. Any suggestions or advise?
We would also like to hear from anyone who is also booked on this particular cruise.
Looking forward to meeting everyone.


  • I assume you're taking the French Escapade not Savoring France. We have done the Rhone on a tour similar to Savoring France (French Waterways - mostly the same stops but less food focused) so we've been to Arles, Avignon, Lyon etc.

    Recommend reading lots of old forum posts on this cruise and at least the other Rhone cruises. Clothing is the biggest worry most have. Lots of opinions on this.

    A few items to for sure bring are a lightweight rain jacket (The kind that can be folded and slipped into a pocket of your luggage is fine), comfortable walking shoes for day wear (I wear lace ups during the day then switch to sandals or flats for evening), and a sweater or wrap to go with evening wear as it can be chilly on the sundeck.

    Also check out weather averages now as you plan then check the 10 day forecast the day before departure.

    Have fun. We loved the Rhone.

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