Mar 3-22 Australia/New Zealand Le Laperouse

My husband and I are neophyte travellers and are wondering if there is anyone out there willing to give us some travelling advice? Thank you. ????????


  • Helllo Sylvia K. What can I help you with? Tauck is an excellent organization. Will this trip be your first time traveling out of Canada? First group tour? Or first with Tauck? Are you traveling on the Grand Australia and New Zealand trip? It looks like a great one, doesn’t it? My husband and I are booked to leave in a few weeks. Let me know what we can talk about...
  • Make copies of your passports and give one to your travel agent or someone else at home and one to a travelling companion.
  • ...and make copies of -- or a list of -- the credit cards and ATM cards you are taking, including the reverse sides that give the numbers to call if they are lost. Put those -- and your copy of your passport information page -- somewhere other than where you are keeping the originals.
  • .....and take pictures of your luggage inside and outside. it may help the carrier locate them. Or, serve to document the contents in case you need to file an insurance claim.
  • Jeltravels wrote:
    Helllo Sylvia K. What can I help you with? Tauck is an excellent organization. Will this trip be your first time traveling out of Canada? First group tour? Or first with Tauck? Are you traveling on the Grand Australia and New Zealand trip? It looks like a great one, doesn’t it? My husband and I are booked to leave in a few weeks. Let me know what we can talk about...

    Thank you. Are you on the tour that starts Mar 3? Yes this our first Tauck Tour. We have travelled outside of Canada to Europe. We have several Questions and if you can advise us that would be wonderful. (1) Type of clothing for our daytime tours (2) dress code for evening (3) are there items that we should be sure to pack that might be difficult to get? Thank you. Thom and I look forward to meeting you. My given name is Sylvia but I am called Sam.
  • TravelGuy wrote:
    .....and take pictures of your luggage inside and outside. it may help the carrier locate them. Or, serve to document the contents in case you need to file an insurance claim.

    Thank you for your help.
  • MCD wrote:
    ...and make copies of -- or a list of -- the credit cards and ATM cards you are taking, including the reverse sides that give the numbers to call if they are lost. Put those -- and your copy of your passport information page -- somewhere other than where you are keeping the originals.

    Thank you for your valuable suggestions.
  • Sylvia K wrote:
    Thank you. Are you on the tour that starts Mar 3? Yes this our first Tauck Tour. We have travelled outside of Canada to Europe. We have several Questions and if you can advise us that would be wonderful. (1) Type of clothing for our daytime tours (2) dress code for evening (3) are there items that we should be sure to pack that might be difficult to get? Thank you. Thom and I look forward to meeting you. My given name is Sylvia but I am called Sam.

    Hi Sam! We are on the March 18. Too bad we aren’t together, but I believe you will love traveling with Tauck. I do. In the day time, I wear long pants and tops - comfortable and appropriate for any local - call it travel togs or resort casual. A sweater or light jacket depending on weather and whether or not a bus ride or othe air conditioned location will be visited is always advisable. Some wear the equivalent travel dress or skirt. Just casual and “appropriate” for visiting whatever location (cathedral, museum,or animal farm. EASY TO WALK IN SHOES are a necessity. Shorts are appropriate for the beach day, etc. The Tauck director traveling with you will gladly advise for each occasion and weather prediction, too! Evening is still casual, we usually have time to clean up for dinner, and there will be a few slightly dressier evenings. I bring a longish travel dress and a few scarves to change it up for several wears... Regarding personal items, I would say pack any brands that you are particular about as items may be available, brands may be different, and although hotels are centrally located, the nearest pharmacy may be far away...
  • One tip I can give. We travelled on the then brand new Le Laperouse this past summer. There is a store on board but it does not carry toiletries or anything like that, just expensive mostly Ponant logo clothing and a bit of Ho hum jewelry it’s sister ship was the same when we were on it last month..
  • Jeltravels wrote:
    Hi Sam! We are on the March 18. Too bad we aren’t together, but I believe you will love traveling with Tauck. I do. In the day time, I wear long pants and tops - comfortable and appropriate for any local - call it travel togs or resort casual. A sweater or light jacket depending on weather and whether or not a bus ride or othe air conditioned location will be visited is always advisable. Some wear the equivalent travel dress or skirt. Just casual and “appropriate” for visiting whatever location (cathedral, museum,or animal farm. EASY TO WALK IN SHOES are a necessity. Shorts are appropriate for the beach day, etc. The Tauck director traveling with you will gladly advise for each occasion and weather prediction, too! Evening is still casual, we usually have time to clean up for dinner, and there will be a few slightly dressier evenings. I bring a longish travel dress and a few scarves to change it up for several wears... Regarding personal items, I would say pack any brands that you are particular about as items may be available, brands may be different, and although hotels are centrally located, the nearest pharmacy may be far away...

    Thank you so much for this information it is most appreciated. We have only heard good things about Tauck and you now have also confirmed this. After reading what we will need I am sure that I can reduce my packing. I was packing to many “what if” items. ???? I too am sorry that I won’t get to meet you. Maybe next trip! many thanks again. Have a wonderful and safe trip.
  • British wrote:
    One tip I can give. We travelled on the then brand new Le Laperouse this past summer. There is a store on board but it does not carry toiletries or anything like that, just expensive mostly Ponant logo clothing and a bit of Ho hum jewelry it’s sister ship was the same when we were on it last month..

    Thank you for this tip “British”. Good to know and yes there are brands we prefer.

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