Flying out of LaPaz

Have booked this trip for October. Working on air travel. Please share what airline you are using to fly out of LaPaz and the route for getting back to U.S. Thanks!


  • I did this trip 4-5 years ago. I'm pretty sure I flew American via Santa Cruz and DFW.

    If you're looking for non-stop, it doesn't exist, or at least didn't at the time I flew from there. Reason is at La Paz's elevation (13K+ ft ASL), the big planes can't get enough lift in the thin air when fully loaded. It makes a stop in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, near sea level, where you get off the plane for about an hour while they fully fuel and load the plane. Santa Cruz is (surprisingly) a modern, comfortable airport and not a landing strip in the jungle.
  • I did it 2 years ago and flew from LaPaz to Miami via Santa Cruz on American. Unlike BKMD, we actually changed planes in Santa Cruz. I appreciate BKMD's explanation of why we had to make the stop. I hadn't known that.

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