Amsterdam to Basel

We are booked on the Amsterdam to Basel river cruise that departs Sept 2, 2019. We are arriving onto Amsterdam and staying at the Grand Hotel Amrath - looked very interesting. Any suggestions on what we should do in AMsterdam? I have not been able to input our arrival information on the Tauck site. Assume we can get transportation from our hotel to the boat on Sept2.


  • There are several posts over the past few weeks regarding things to do in Amsterdam. Just work through the forums that relate to your trip as well as others that start/end there. Pretty sure Tauck will not provide transport to the riverboat if you are not staying at “their hotel”. Best if you call them to discuss. Hope this helps.
  • Corriero wrote:
    We are booked on the Amsterdam to Basel river cruise that departs Sept 2, 2019. We are arriving onto Amsterdam and staying at the Grand Hotel Amrath - looked very interesting. Any suggestions on what we should do in AMsterdam? I have not been able to input our arrival information on the Tauck site. Assume we can get transportation from our hotel to the boat on Sept2.

    As Ashed said, call Tauck and confirm they have your flight information so you get picked up at the airport and taken to your hotel.

    And no, they won't arrange transport to the ship unless you stay in their "arrive early" hotel. You can get a taxi to the ship - but as someone else on the forum here recently stated - you need to know exactly where the taxi should take you and what time. Your green book (should get this around early June) will provide a phone number for the ship on the Day 1 itinerary page. Call or have hotel reception call them to confirm their location and when you will be arriving. The time you need to be at the ship will also be listed in the green book. Usually around 4pm. Don't expect your stateroom to be ready earlier but they will store your luggage and provide light refreshments.

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