Main Danube Canal lock broken

Just back from this tour. The tour was great but with a glitch. Half way through we got held up at Kelheim due to the Main-Danube canal being blocked. A Viking cruise ship hit a lock causing enough damage to put it out of commission. Last update on when it would be open was at least another week or more. Our Tauck TDs and CD did a fantastic job handling this. We saw all our planned sites plus an unscheduled cruise (small local boat) of the Danube Gorge and visit to Weltenberg Abbey (the cover of the 2020 River Cruise brochure) which were great. We did have a couple of longer bus rides and did have to switch ships with the passengers on the southbound Esprit. The crews handled this amazingly.

Will write a longer review when I catch up with myself. Glad to see the forum up again.


  • My son and I did this cruise summer of 2018 and we loved it. We had to switch riverboats halfway through due to low water levels but he crew handled it seamlessly. I highly recommend Tauck.

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