Welcome to Tauck’s A Grand Rail Adventure: Vienna, The Alps & Milan Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s A Grand Rail Adventure: Vienna, The Alps & Milan Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • We just signed up for the September 25 trip from Milan to Vienna. This will be our 11th Tauck trip. Anyone else signed up for this new trip? I assume it will sell out quickly. Going on the Blue Danube trip in October.

  • We are very interested in this trip but our trips for 2020 are already booked. Any chance this will be offered in 2021?

  • We have seen the graphics of the accomodations (photos and perpective/ cutaway views). Are there detailed scaled floor plans of the accomodations? Is there any on train exercise opportunities/facilities?

  • Ecw, if available you're more likely to find these details looking at the websites for the hotels/train company. Exercise? Walking to the bar car?

    edited September 2019

    Claudia; I must have missed the name of train company. I'll look there. Thank you.
    The problem I have with walking to thr bar car for exercise is that I consume many more calories "at" the bar than in the walking. ;-(

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