Anyone traveling on the September 1st trip ?

We will be arriving Munich a day early. Any suggestions on what to do ?


  • Take a tour of the Residenz which is right near the Four Seasons (you only see exterior with Tauck), do a Segway tour (it covered a lot of the city and was great!!), spend some time in the English Garden, go to one of the many museums, see the BMW headquarters and museum. Munich is wonderful.

  • Thanks. Alan

    great recommendations !

  • We are also on the September 1st tour, arriving August 31. We are going to do a Segway that afternoon and tour BMW Welt on September 1st during the day before the welcome reception.

  • Regretfully, the segway people had a "staffing issue" and canceled our tour, which we booked 2 months in advance, without telling us. Still had a great day on our own in Munich - we went to the market, climbed St. Peter's tower to get great photos of the city, and enjoyed walking around the old town area.

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