Essence of Japan - November 2020

I am considering taking this tour in November 2020. One of the reasons I picked this date is that November is supposed to be one of the lowest precipitation months of the year, according to Has anyone taken this tour in November? If so, how was the weather? Are there any reasons to NOT take the tour in November (I realize it will be cooler, but that is fine; I just don't want it to rain). Anyone else considering this tour in November 2020?

Thanks for any insight.



  • We took this tour in April. If you go in November you will miss the cherry blossoms which were absolutely awesome. They were in full bloom in all of the cities we visited

  • We loved this trip, and did go in Japan but heard from various independent guides and our TD that fall is really lovely because of the changing colors. Be happy to answer any other questions you may have. It is an amazing country and culture.

  • Thanks, all. Mazalea, when you say "...and did go in Japan....", I assume you intended to name a month instead of "Japan"? If so, which month did you go?

  • Hi Max - We were on the Rhine Enchantment cruise with you this past May. We are on the 3/30/2020 Essence of Japan tour and it would be great to see you again on this tour. We heard that the cherry blossoms are amazing if you catch them in full bloom, which is usually in late March/early April. Our cousin went with her family to Japan in November and said that the fall colors were amazing as well. Safe travels and hope to see you again!

    Kurt & Gaye

  • Hi Kurt & Gaye,

    Great to hear from you! I have heard about the Cherry Blossoms in the spring, and it looks like you will be there at the perfect time to see them. Unfortunately, that timing will not work for me, as it would require that I be out for the first two weeks of April and the beginning of the month (any month) is a busy time for me at work. However, I am glad to hear the the November time should be good as well, as that works best into my schedule.

    It would be great to see you on a future trip. I am considering doing the South Africa trip in 2021, but will probably need to book it this year as I hear it fills up very quickly. In the meantime, enjoy your trip to Japan in March/April! Please post your impressions; I look forward to hearing about your trip!


  • We just booked the Essence of Japan trip for November, 2020. It will be our first trip to Asia and would love to chat with others on this trip!

  • Kurt & Gaye, Max,
    Bryan & Laura from Rhine Enchantment tour. Saw your posts and just wanted to say hello. Hope all is well with you.

  • Bryan and Laura,

    Thanks for reaching out and for the well wishes. Things are going well here. I have done a bit of other travel since our journey along the Rhine. Looking forward to seeing Japan next year. Hope you both are also doing well.


  • Is there a particular time in November when the colors are at their best. Early, middle, late??? Thanks.

  • edited October 2019

    BSP51. October 17. Kurt & Gaye, Max, Bryan & Laura from Rhine Enchantment tour. Saw your posts and just wanted to say hello. Hope all is well with you.

    maximgr, October 18, Bryan and Laura, Thanks for reaching out and for the well wishes. Things are going well here. I have done a bit of other travel since our journey along the Rhine. Looking forward to seeing Japan next year. Hope you both are also doing well.

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