Has anyone taken this trip in October

We have heard and read about monsoons in the fall. What were your experiences, and how did it affect the trip?

Is February a better time?

Thanks very much


  • We took the Vietnam Cambodia Laos tour from a mid February and the weather was hot as is usual, it otherwise was good, it was also during the back end of the new year celebrations so Hanoi was less busy.

  • I’ve been reading that the monsoons are so light this year that they’re having the worst drought in 10 years or more in Thailand. I believe Vietnam is also having problems. So, unless, the monsoon picks up, you might be in luck in that respect.

  • We did not use Tauck but two years ago we did Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. We started in Thailand on October 20, then to Cambodia and Thailand. For us the weather was great, the monsoon season was over and it was not too hot.

  • We were on the trip last October and the weather was perfect. I only remember it raining in Chiang Mai, and that was after the check-in at the hotel there. It didn't affect the tour.

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