Visit to the old fish market.
Hello, could someone kindly advice ...
I'm going next Sept.26th and I have already received my much wanted green book! - but I do have a question.. on day 9th the group visits the old fish market.. what does this visit involve ? do we get to go in to the auction area? , do we see the area were the catch of the day is being received and process or do we only see all the stands with fish for sale? Please advise.
Thank you.
We did the Grand Australia/New Zealand tour and had a similar day - this was in 2017 so thing may be different now. At that time, our visit to the fish market did not include the fish auction or the area where fish are received/processed. We walked through the market and then had a tasting. We went back to the fish market during some of our free time the next day and were told you could visit the auction area only if you booked a tour directly through the fish market.
Thanks cvc. I'll check the tours and will book from here if possible.
Have a great day.
I think this is the website you will want. Note the early tour start (6:40AM)!
We went on the Spotlight on Australia trip 3 years ago and if I remember correctly it was part of the foodie tour - visits to 5 food places. Probably the same for Australia and NZ. The visit to the fish market is very interesting in that you can see fabulous seafood of all types and samples are offered for the tour group. You will see huge lobsters - and I mean huge - and rays and fish of all kinds. We did not go to an auction while we were there. I don't even eat any types of seafood and enjoyed the visit except for the smell of course ! Took lots of pictures for our Shutterfly album.
These were from the fish market and the balloon ride which you cannot miss !
Hello, good morning you guys.
)) thanks for the pictures & your help, I haven't still figured out how to upload some of my 45,000.00 pictures. Lololol!
cvc... yes, I checked the website.. interesting, but I read that no pictures are allow and also the visit to the auction & processing/receiving area is about10-15 min. out off the 2 hour tour ... and the rest of the time it's same as what we do with Tauck , so I think I'll do something else... I just believe is not worth waking up so early to see it. I'm familiar with the Dutch auction system so I'm not really missing anything crucial....I 'm from the Pacific Northwest so fish is also a thing around here.... .
Virginia that lobster is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
Have a great day.