Falconry at Lyrath Estate?

Is a group falconry experience or Hawk Walk included in the Tauck itinerary at Lyrath Estate during the Best of Ireland, Small Groups tour? We will be on this tour summer 2020 and did not see it on the advertised itinerary. I am aware that a more detailed version of the itinerary will be provided nearer to our departure date but don't want to miss the opportunity.


  • Thank you, Wayside, that was exactly what I needed to know. We've booked the Hawk Walk at Ashford Castle at 3:00 pm on our second day there. The itinerary shows free time that afternoon. Do you recall whether you were back at Ashford by 3:00 pm?

  • We did that in 2017, it was a highlight of the trip!

  • During the older 2016 Small Group itinerary we had the opportunity for an included falconry activity at Mt. Juliet and again for a fee at Ashford Castle. It was one of the highlights of the trip. Everyone had a chance to launch and recover several times. We also had the opportunity to hold and pet a pair of beautiful owls- according to our falconer they like their foreheads petted:

  • Thank you all for your replies and your willingness to help. The Glenlivet treated us to a falconry experience in Scotland a few years ago and we're hooked for life! You've given me exactly the information I need to book our extra falconry time.

  • Thanks, Virginia Travelers. Based upon all the great responses on this thread we booked private falconry experiences at both Ashford and Lyrath. Tauck says we won't arrive back at the pier until nearly 4:00 pm, so had to go with 60 instead of 90 minutes at Ashford due to closing time of the Falconry School. We'll look for Sonora and Sir Beckett!

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