Budapest to Amsterdam October 2019

We are on the river cruise in October. Any suggestions on Rothenburg vs Wurzburg?


  • Because of the lock closure that happened on our cruise we ended up seeing the Bishops palace in Wurzburg and the wine tasting then the next day everyone went to Rothenburg.

    Rothenburg is a fairy tale German village and a bit touristy but fun to walk around. Shopping includes a Kathe Wolfharte Christmas store and the schneeballen pastry the village is famous for.

    The Bishops Palace was interesting with a fair amount of WWII history. The wine tasting was quite an experience - 3 largish glasses of wine then the realization we had to climb these old stone steps back up to daylight. Plus my husband bought 2 bottles of wine that had to come home in checked baggage.

  • It's kind of an experience but not one I feel I need to repeat. Ours had chocolate and was injected with Baileys that We shared. We definitely had better desserts on that trip. The ship did a great job in that area. At lunch one day they had Kaiser Schmarrn - which sounds weird but was delicious.

  • We are on the Budapest to Amsterdam cruise leaving Budapest Oct. 6, 2019, anyone else on that cruise? Love to share information.

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