
Has anyone had difficulties bringing medications through customs in Hungary or Amsterdam? I know they suggest bringing the original bottles but do we need letters or prescriptions(we don't plan to refill)?


  • I will be following this post as we are leaving Saturday for Budapest. I filled our pill cases with medications and took photos of the original pill bottles. I am hoping this will suffice.

  • edited August 2019

    Lsmiller, I have done your trick for a long time now. I’ve travelled pretty extensively and never been asked to show my medicines. However, I would be more cautious if I took strong pain medication or sleeping medications, things like that. I like to fill the weekly medicine containers because two of my meds also require cutting pills in half, I just don’t want all that messing around especially when we have to get up so very early on some Tauck tours. BUT when I go to China in a couple of months, I am taking extra I plan on putting my meds in my weekly containers and also taking a supply of extra pill bottles with about a week’s worth of medicines in each one, just in case I am asked questions and I don’t speak Chinese.
    I have only once been to my family Dr to ask for a script when I was going away and he had never been asked for that before. Since then, now I go to my online page of my health records and download the official list of prescriptions I take, with dosage and which Dr prescribed them etc. As far as I know, a script from a doctor in the US.cannot be used in another country anyway. But having one will help another Dr see what you take, your drug may have another name or dosage or may not be legal in that country. Some over the counter drugs in the US may require a Dr’s script in another country.
    I also tend to take more extra pills in case of travel delay on the way home too. Originally I took about two days worth, now it’s more like a week. Many years ago, I visited my mother, no extra pills with me, I promptly had my BP pill slip out of my hand at the sink and disappear down the plug hole. More recently, I placed my lockable weekly pill container rathe too near the sink taps on vacation. Mr B got water all over it, and it dissolved some of my pills overnight. Boy was he my favorite person that day. He’s also obsessed that our meds are going to be stolen if left out, but then I worry I’ll forget to take them in an out of routine situation. Hey but I am still here and I still travel.
    Does anyone else have any tricks?

  • Oh, and I have been to Hungary and Amsterdam

  • Thx, British. My husband also has a BP med that has to be split. I just went to my files to add the most recent print out from our primary care doctors to include with our meds. It lists all of our prescription meds. We have no pain or sleeping medications.

  • We keep meds in our room safe when we travel. I set reminders on my phone or I would forget to take them. In addition to a print-out of current meds, I also take a print-out of our immunizations.

  • My doctor's office prints out a list of medications after every visit. For my travels, my doctor signs the list. I don't usually take the original pill containers; they take up too much room. (I did not bring them to Budapest or Amsterdam.) However, I do bring the original containers to more exotic locations. When I was leaving Bolivia to head home to the US, the security officer really scrutinized them. I never had that problem in China or the Middle East.

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