
I’m getting close to packing! Trying to decide between two pairs of black shoes: a fabric loafer-type one with good support that’s easy to slip on and off in airports. Or a nubuck tie shoe that’s very comfortable but doesn’t look especially fashionable. But I can spray it to make it water resistant. I guess my question for previous travelers on this trip - is water resistance important, especially in New Zealand?


  • It is quite likely that you will encounter rain in both Australia and New Zealand. We took this tour in September. It rained one late afternoon/evening in Sydney and a couple of times in New Zealand. I was glad to have good, sturdy, waterproof walking shoes (in addition to pumps for evenings when walking was not involved). We walked a lot whenever we had free time, including in the rain. The shoes were also easily wiped clean from the red dirt at Uluru.

  • Agree. This trip is very informal and above advice is perfect.

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