Any interest in Western Wall tunnel tour during Israel/Jordan trip beginning Nov 3. 2019?
I've been told that the Western Wall tunnel tour should not be missed. Unfortunately, due to our being in Jerusalem over Shabbat, when it is not offered, our options are limited.
I've been in contact with the tunnel tour people via email and they are willing to set up a group tour at a custom time. We have a free afternoon in Jerusalem on Friday November 8, after lunch (which I'm told by Tauck HQ ends at 1 PM). I'd like to aim for 2 PM that day for the tour. Is anyone else on this trip interested? If so, please let me know. I will try to announce this at the welcome reception/dinner, but based on past experiences, some TDs won't cooperate with permitting a guest make an announcement to the group to organize free-time activities. We shall see...
Details can be seen here: