Savoring France: what area(s) in Paris does the second day, first full day, or tour take you to?

Savoring France: what area(s) in Paris does the second day, first full day, or tour take you to? Trying to decide what to schedule or be prepared for, to tour on our own, when we are on our own for lunch and free for the evening. If we end up in the Marais, for example, or St. Germain, we want to schedule or look to events/places to explore on our own in those areas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Merci !


  • Our first cruise was the old French Waterways tour that was virtually identical to Savoring with less culinary activities. The night after dinner at Fouquets they drove us around a bit and we had a great photo op at the Trocadero which sits opposite the Eiffel tower. Sorry not sure where your tastings will be. The hotel sits across the street from the Opera house - well worth touring and a metro stop so you can get anywhere. Also you can get tickets to several sites from the concierge - we got ours for the d'Orsay from him) and help figure out which metro route. The hotel is also near an amazing shopping mall called the Galleries LaFayette which has a rooftop terrace with a great free view of Paris.

    Bon Appetite

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