Amsterdam to Milan "Rhine Enchantment" Cruise October 2020

We are booked on this trip and wondering two questions about schedule on the itinerary.
1. Arrival in Milan is via train from Basel with an evening free in Milan (dinner on our own). Can someone familar with the schedule let us know when the train should arrive in Milan so we can decide about making dinner plans?.
2. On the second day in Milan, again no dinner is scheduled but Taiuck does mention an evening tour planned to see the Last Supper. Does anyone know about when that visit might be scheduled? Trying to figure out dinner plans before or after the tour.
Thanks in advance for any clarification / advice.


  • We took this tour last year in reverse order. Especially as you are going out of season, you should have no problem booking dinner last minute. The tour director gives recommendations. I am sure I took a photo of the restaurant we went to about a five minute walk from the hotel, it was full of locals and very good. The hotel restaurant was also excellent but pricey. Will try to find the photo now.

  • edited February 2020

    Sorry, must have deleted it from my file. The best I can remember was out of the back of the hotel and down some back roads to a dark more narrow street. It was not in the center of Milan. The hotel is a good 20 minute walk from the center anyway, which is why we elected to use the hotel restaurant one night.

  • We also did this trip in the reverse last year. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. First night in Milan we at in the hotel lounge. Same menu as the restaurant but opens earlier. Very good food and service. A bit pricey but they do give you a lot of freebies before the meal such as charcuterie platter and olives. We liked it and it was convenient. Other night we walked about 15 minutes to Eataly. There are several in Europe and also in the U.S. Vertical building with several restaurants and food (seafood, meat, poultry, pasta, wine, etc) stores. Very nice experience and we had pizza and pasta at the top level that was very good.

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