East African Locusts

I read a story today about the locust swarms. Although it is now in Sudan, they predict the swarming will travel to Kenya and other countries. I would be interested for current travelers to report on this situation. This is the news summary I read this morning. "Locust Swarms
Hundreds of billions of locusts that have ravaged East Africa have begun moving into South Sudan officials said yesterday, bringing the worst swarm in decades to a country where 60% of the population is already food insecure. The current outbreak began in October 2018 after a tropical storm in the Red Sea created favorable breeding conditions. Individual swarms can be the size of small cities, containing more than 300 million insects per square mile. The migratory bugs are voracious eaters, consuming their own body weight in food each day - scientists say even a small swarm can polish off enough crops to feed 35,000 people each day. The United Nations called on the international community to provide almost $80M to support insecticide treatments in the affected regions - the US pledged at least $8M - though it is unclear if it will be possible to halt the massive swarms."

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