Pondering The Trip

We have a late June cruise planned and must decide by late March to send in the final payment. If we decide not to go we will only be out the insurance cost and have to figure out the airline's reschedule policy. Being in our mid 70's we are fifty / fifty on how to proceed and hope for some clarity over the next three weeks. Anyone else having this dilemma?


  • We cancelled our Italy land tour in April. However your in June and not in Italy I would keep it. We’ve done your cruise last year and I would feel a lot better being on a river cruise on the Rhine In June than a bus touring Italy next month. Thinking about how they did our cruise day by day, I would expect by June there will be good procedures on board and off about keeping everyone safe. I’d keep a June reservation but I’d be very attentive to my surroundings and th people I’m around. We actually found meeting people on the cruise to be one of the hi-lights of the trip.

  • We're on the Bridges Danube Tour in Late July. It's just a waiting game now.

    Side note..were in our 40's, have 2 kids under 14, and while were not overly concerned for our personal health, I'd be more concerned for my older in-laws taking us, and my young son that has asthma/reactive airway disease and any others on the trip that have prior health or respiratory concerns. I'd hate to have to deal with the airlines with cancelled flights and rescheduling vacation time (that is fairly tough to arrange in my line of work), but we will just ride this out - so many months to see what happens.

  • Thank You for your comments. With Tauck's Customer Friendly Philosophy we now have until late May to decide if will be cruising and make a final payment. Hopefully much will be resolved by then but our vigilance will continue. Since Cruises are not encouraged currently we will see where Tauck and our airlines go regarding cancellations come May / June.

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