Additional health screenings requirement

Have any additional screening requirements been implemented by the EU or individual countries for visitors from outside the EU in light of the Wuhan virus outbreak?
We are scheduled to take the tour leaving Amsterdam on 5 Oct 2020


  • edited June 2020

    The EU, like the US and other countries, updates their travel policy month to month so whatever might be in effect now may not be what you could possibly see in October. If Tauck goes ahead with your cruise you can bet they will provide you with all the information you will need before hand.

    I hate to be a pessimist and hope conditions and procedures are such that you will be able to go (we are scheduled for XMAS Mkts on the Rhine in December) and enjoy, but at this point, I think you will be extremely lucky if the tour goes at all. Even if you can get there, if the virus is still around without a widely available vaccine or cure (figure the odds it won't be), just think about the possible impact of social distancing, etc. restrictions needed for a large group of people aboard the boat and on shore excursions. How can that be done in a way that provides adequate protection yet doesn't significantly detract from the tour experience? As Tauck said in their 1 May update, "Due to continued uncertainty about our ability to deliver the level of experience you expect from Tauck . . .

    Remember, member countries will have there own guidelines and restrictions but the current EU guidelines and restrictions are at this link:

  • This summer's increased prevelance of COVID19 in the US has shaken EU countries as they consider reopening borders among each other as well as those from outside the EU. Much is in a state of flux so it's difficult to predict even a few weeks ahead let alone into October when we are scheduled on Ms Grace Southbound Amsterdam to Milan. Here is what the NY Times reports today on the EU attitude towards visitors from the US. In the absence of a vaccine it's hard to imagine comfortable riverboat travel so the EU decisions may be more important for business travellers than tourists.

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