2022 Egypt and Jordan & Egypt Tours priced

edited February 2021 in Egypt & Jordan

The 2022 Egypt; Jewels of the Nile, Jordan & Egypt Small Groups, and Jordan & Egypt standard sized groups, tours have now been priced. I just received our new Summary of Purchase. I'm still trying to resolve the bottom lines ($40 disappeared somewhere), but our J&E Small Group tour price increased by $400 ea. and the Guest Protection Plan increase by $30 each. Our amount carried forward from 2021 plus the $500 ea. re-booking discount doesn't quite cover the increases so we owe another $510.

Update: I found the $40- it was just new math! :)


  • We also bumped our trip a year, from 3 October 2021 to 17 September 2022. Much more optimistic about a trip happening then...and one for which we'd feel comfortable about going.

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