
I noticed today that my September "Adriatic Treasures" is a go, which surprises and excites me. I'm considering tacking on an extra day in Venice at the end to see Murano/Burano, which I did not see on my previous trip to Venice, but am not sure about the 72-hour negative Covid test that's required for re-entry to the US. I know that Tauck will arrange a Covid test for returning travelers (at our expense), but don't know whether the "72 hour requirement" is set up only for those people who will be returning the day the tour ends. I would love to know the experience of others -- on any tour -- who plan to spend a day or two extra abroad before returning to the US. Please post your experience.


  • I would imagine the TD will work with you on the timing just like they do on arranging transfers at the end. Just make sure you know how to get the results of the test before the TD takes off on their next job.

  • Claudia--That's a necessity, because I am technologically challenged!

  • Hard to figure out how the info gets back to us at this point. Whether hard copy or electronic or ?? From past experience, after the farewell dinner I've seldom seen the TD again so would not count on any help the last morning.

  • Many hotels do testing right in the hotel. I’m sure the guide will book the testing for us if you are staying longer. You will just have to go by yourself. We are staying three nights longer.

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