What Kind Of Tote Bag Do You Use?

What type of tote bags do you carry as you are shopping the Christmas Markets to carry your purchases? I'm looking for brands and sizes. I'm thinking something from Kipling might be the right idea. Thanks for your suggestions.


  • I haven't done these specific tours, but my carry-on tote works fine when I know I will be doing some shopping while on tour. I have had it for years.
    Briggs and Riley; Baseline #255-7 Tote; Height 13", Width 17", Depth 7.5"; lifetime warranty; lightweight ballistic nylon; multitude of zippers and compartments; long, comfortable straps.

    Enjoy your trip!

  • I carry totes that are simple, fold up and stay inside other totes in case I overdo it on a particular shopping venture and one Tom won't mind carrying for me :). The most important thing is to make sure you keep a carryon for your flight home that can carry your treasures...don't check them...so many will be breakable or too special to risk not getting home with them. We loved the Christmas markets and hope to go again sometime.

  • We go over every other year and we love the Rick Steves HideAway Tote - it is super light and has a zipper. Check it out on his webpage, go to the store - there is a great video about it on the page. He also sells electric adapters for $1.

    The Danube trip is our favorite Tauck Xmas Market Tour - you will love it.

    We each also pack an empty bag in our suitcase to put all our purchases in and use it as a carry-on on the way home. He likes a duffle -- either by Eagle Creek or BAD #3 (BAD is Best American Duffle) -- I love the Lo & Sons Catalina Deluxe as my carry on.

    WE are going back Dec 2022 with 2 other couples and we have already given them each a Rick Steves HideAway Tote and some electric adaptors.

    You will LOVE this trip. If you need an amazing hotel recommendation in Nuremberg, let me know. We always go over for 2-3 weeks - Vienna and Nuremberg are both worth more time.

    Here's the link, be sure and watch the video

  • Double post- computer or website issues?

  • A bit of travel business page trivia: Sadly Eagle Creek announced in June that it's going out of business, making those bags more valuable than ever. But these days any travel news is subject to change, so a comeback may be in the future. https://www.outsidebusinessjournal.com/brands/camping-and-hiking/eagle-creek-should-not-die/

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