Adriatic Treasures - Sept.26

After hemming and hawwing, about this trip, even though it has been book and paid for for a while, I finally mentally committed to it. I had a very good experience on my Hawaii trip that ended yesterday, then came home and re-booked flights for the Adriatic Treasures trip because some of my original flights had been cancelled. I hope it goes. Based on some comments on the Forum, I was hoping to make my transfers in the US, instead of in Europe. I succeeded on the way out of the US to Dubrovnik, but the flight from Venice back to the US would have cost more than $2000 more, so I opted to go from VCE to FCO, rather than directly to the US. I figured that I would already be in Italy, so, "what the heck?" I'll keep you posted.


  • Just got a revised "digital green book" from Tauck with a new entry requirement for Croatia -- a pre-clearance form. It took a while for me to figure out how to include a PDF (not photo) of my vaccination card. The second challenge was that I could not submit the form. After a couple of attempts using Safari, I decided to try Chrome, and it worked. (I almost sent a message to AlanS for help.)

    As I posted on another thread, I've nixed the Alitalia flight because I've heard that they are going to be cancelling flights next month. I'm going take my chances returning to the US via AMS.

  • edited September 2021


    Always standing by to help.

    For everyone, in the future, if a country pre-clearance application will only accept a jpg image and not a PDF there are a few things you can do to get around that.

    1. If you are using Adobe Reader as your PDF viewer, I 'believe' (I don't have the free Adobe software on my computer I have something else that does the same thing) you can open a PDF document then "save as" one of the other standard image formats (jpeg (jpg), TIFF, GIF, PNG).

    2. You can also do a screen capture. If the screen size of the PDF image is too large, you may need to reduce the screen size (CNTL - on a Win cmptr and pinch on Apple). You may need to look for it, but a screen capture utility program, "Snipping Tool," comes bundled with WIN10. Apple computers and iPads (IOS devices) also have a screen capture utility. On my older iPad Air 2, I simultaneously, briefly press the home button and the sleep/wake button to take a screen shot. On both, you can use the limited capability image editors that come bundled with the device to crop the photo if needed. You are on your own with newer Apple devices that don't have a home button. :)

    Always remember, Google is your friend. :D

    Screen shot of this draft post:

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