Lost Treasures of Egypt

edited September 2021 in Egypt

I just finished bing watching all 4 new shows (The Mystery of Tut's Tomb, Legend of the Pyramid Kings, Ramses Rise to Power, and Rise of the Mummies) of Season 3 of Nat Geos' Lost Treasures of Egypt- very interesting. Three more episodes air next Monday (Rise of the Mummies (again?), Secrets of Egypt's Queens, and Pyramid Tomb Raiders.)

Excavation sites visited included Gebel Al Sisila on the west bank near Aswan, Deir Al Bahari on the west bank across from Luxor, Saqqara, south of Giza, and a few other sites- all within a stones throw of many places we will visit on J&E and Egypt; Jewels tours. If they don't air them again on Nat Geo, you can stream online. I thought I had already seen the last show about mummies, but maybe I just read about it in their magazine. The show was about the recent discovery of a complete mummification facility and burial chambers deep underground in Saqqara, in the shadows of the step pyramid of Djoser.

Now all we need is an announcement about the GEM opening. :D

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