Hidden Galapagos and Peru
We have booked Hidden Galapagos and Peru for May 20, 2023. They had only the classic veranda cabin left so our TA has us on a wait list. Would be very interested to know more about the Silver Origin and the trip in general.
We did the Galapagos three times on the “Xpedition” (Celebrity). “Silver Origin” is a much newer and nicer ship. I would not worry about the ‘classic veranda cabin’ too much … plenty of space where you will spend little time. We had much smaller rooms on “Xpedition” and they were all we needed. I actually slept on deck a couple of times. The Galapagos is one of the best places in the world for star gazing. No man made light except on the ship. The only other place that I’ve been that had better star gazing was Wake Island … a bit off the beaten path and a bit hard to get to.
Sealord - Thank you! I looked again at the cabin and you are correct it is a nice size and much less expensive than the others that were not available. You must have really enjoyed the Galapagos to go there three times. The only place I've visited three times is Southern Africa which happens to be my favorite place so far of countries that we have visited. I had no idea where Wake Island was and had to look it up. You were lucky to have had the opportunity to visit there as access to it without permission is prohibited.
Hmmm, "lucky," is not how I would describe his situation. Sealord was not likely there for pleasure, but on "official business" for his uncle . . . . . Sam.

Alan is correct. I was working. In the past we transported tactical aircraft across the oceans by island hopping. We would use our A-3 Skywarrior aircraft, affectionately known as the ‘Whale’, to pathfind (navigate and communicate and sometimes refuel) for the smaller jets that did not have long range navigation nor communication capabilities. To cross the Pacific we would fly from Alameda, to Hawaii, to Midway or Wake, to Guam, and then the Philippines. We normally only spent a night or two in each place, but I was once stuck at Midway for ten days waiting for a new engine. It was like living in a bird cage. I did look it up … the ‘Drifters Reef’ bar is still open on Wake … just not very many customers. Actually, it is probably still pretty busy as it’s the only place to go on the island.
Sealord - I apologize and I should know better as my husband is retired from the Air Force. Alan, thank you as I must say I am embarrassed by my comments. Sealord, thank you for your service.
No need to apologize at all … nor be embarrassed. Those operations were really a lot of fun. We would sometimes get delayed by the weather, which due to the nature of the business had to be nearly perfect, so I was able to spend a fair amount of time in those places over the years. There was lots of swimming and snorkeling.
Try to get upgraded to the Deluxe Veranda suite. I think it's worth the extra costs. You can see our trip, and comments about our stateroom at https://www.mikeandjudytravel.com/2021-1Galapagos-04.htm. The big difference is that the Deluxe Veranda suite has a "Horizon Window" instead of a veranda, which gives you more room in the cabin. You can drop the window (electrically) to get outside air while you sit in your cabin. The veranda furniture always gets dirty with salt.
Additionally, the Deluxe Veranda suite has a nice bathroom along the side of the suite. The shower is against the outside of the ship and there's a window in the shower that you can make opaque by a switch (it opaques electrically). It really is a nice innovation in ship suites.
MikeHenderson - We are not taking this trip until next 20 May, 2022 so I am sure there will be some cancellations.
We are leaving next May, 2023 not 2022.