Anyone going on the June 5-15 2022 Small Ship trip?

Would love to hear from anyone going. Bill and Doreen from Sun City West, Az. are going and would love to have any suggestions as to this trip.


  • The Parks family from Austin Texas will be on the June 5-15 trip.

  • My husband and I are going from Sun City West, Az. Used to live in Austin. Loved the city.

  • Does anyone know if you need to get a 4th shot for the Ponant?

  • No, Ponant can’t really do that if it wants American customers since it’s only approved for people over 50 here

  • You can find that info on the Ponant website. Fully vaccinated is specified and defined with no mention of second booster. PCR test within 72 hours of boarding and certification of no contact with someone with covid in previous fourteen days. That last item would probably have helped our Antarctica group.

  • DJD,

    Only the third vaccination (first booster) is required based on age eligibility.
    Details are on Tauck's website...
    Travel Updates...
    Travel Requirements...
    Destination Requirement...
    Then select your tour. Note that Ponant's requirement dates for the booster differ from Tauck's.

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