Tauck Bridges Galapagos wildlife adventure June 14 departure

We are scheduled for the June 14 departure. We will be traveling with our two sons aged 20 and 23. Wondering if there are any other families with kids of similar ages traveling.


  • Looking forward to the same departure, but I am traveling with two 12 year old granddaughters.

  • We will be on the June 14 expedition with our 12 year old granddaughter, Addison. We live in North Jersey and Addison lives in Southeast CT. This will be our 5th Bridges trip with a grandchild and so look forward to our first trip to the Galapagos. Each trip has been an outstanding and bonding experience with our grandkids. Looking forward to joining you all.....happy grandparents!

  • Hello-We are traveling with kids age 18, 20. Bro's family has 13 year olds.
    Third times a charm...as we were supposed to go in 2020. (fingers still crossed)

  • We are considering the Bridges Galapagos Wildlife Wonderland tour for June, 2025. We would be a group of 6 adults and 4 children ages 8,10,12 and 14. I am concerned regarding the suitability of this trip, especially for the younger children and whether there is enough to hold their interest for the entire time. Also, whether there are activities specifically geared to children and whether there will be any similar aged children on this tour?

  • edited July 2024

    I can only answer the last question…..you will not know until at least maybe a month before the tour about ages of children and then only if you call and ask. The nearer the date of the tour, the more accurate the number and ages it is likely to be. Some people will classify their children as such when they are in their late teens. The ages of your kids are perfect. We are about to start our second Bridges tour.

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