About tigers

Here is an excerpt from the Points Guy. It explains about how the tiger safaris are organized which I found interesting

I spent the last few weeks in India, working remotely during the week from Jaipur, Chennai and Bangalore. On the weekends, though, I strived to maximize my sightseeing and relaxation time.

One weekend, I visited Ranthambore National Park. My goal: See at least one tiger in the wild.

The park has around 80 tigers and is divided into 10 tourism zones. You can book a six-seat Jeep or a 20-seat bus with a national park guide to visit the park, but you can only visit one zone during each two-hour safari. Some zones provide a better chance to see tigers.

By the time we booked, we couldn't get a "good" zone in a Jeep — so we did one Jeep safari in Zone 7 and three bus safaris in zones 3 and 4. Across these safaris, we had six tiger sightings, including one close-up sighting where the tiger walked beside our vehicle.

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