Ship 360 Degree Tours

Was looking up some info on the Andorinha on Scylla's website. If you go to the "Our Ships" tab there is a link to details on all their ships including many that Tauck doesn't use. Most seem to have a 360 degree video that lets you look at the inside of different parts of the ship. That includes public spaces and most if not all cabin categories. Here's the link to it:

I looked at most of the ships Tauck uses - especially those I've been on. Most appear to be accurate though I noted the one for the Espirit was not. We've been in cabin 205 several times on different ships. All have been the same and all had a small dresser cabinet with counter top that doesn't appear on the Espirit. Also seems the software used is different so the controls work a bit different. It was fun to check out the other ships that Scylla has.


  • Claudia...Thank you for this link! I've been on most of the Tauck riverboats, but this one, being new, was exciting to view in advance. Funny, but my favorite wife does not want to see it. She would rather wait and see it in person. Believe it or not, we usually spend out first hour on the boat exploring and seeing what makes it different than or the same as the others we've been on. This should be a real treat! Thanks again.

  • Triguy you're welcome. I find in most couples there's the researcher/planner and there's the just wait and enjoy what happens person. You can guess which I am. We're really looking forward to seeing this ship. I love the design style and the seating in the public areas looks more comfortable than their other ships so it will be interesting to see if it actually is. I just hope they get the Arthur's back fully open.

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