Just return from July 5 2022 Bridge tour. If you have question, happy to answer.

It was not the best vacation, but it was a memorable one.

A couple of sad items :

6 out of 11 of our group caught COVID at the end of trip (after we left Tauck and start touring on our own). We determine the two people caught it during the train ride from Paris to Lyon. The car we were in was not all Tauck's guests. There were two little children seated facing my sister cough the whole two hours of the journey. Their mother was wearing mask and seems exhausted and couldn't control the two coughing kids to put on mask or shield their cough. It would have been nice if Tauck can block an entire car/coach for just Tauck's guests for safety measure. The tour director told us to stick to our assigned seat because the previous tour group was in an argument with other non-Tauck passengers because of some mixed up on seats.

Our ship broke down on the first night and we never made it to Tain l'Hermitage. It was the most looked forward excursion for all of us. We were so so disappointed. The Tauck & cruise director did try to provide some entertainment but it was only moving some pre-scheduled event around around. It is clear they are not prepare for this type of ship failure and how to recover. Side note to Tauck: it would have been nice gesture to provide a small box of Valhrona chocolate or a bottle of wine from the vineyard tour we missed.

No "real" lemonade. Maybe this is well know in Europe/France but it was a shock for all the children onboard. They were all very disappointed.

The bike provide on the bike tour was not worth $50 (per my husband judgment). I quit my Avingon bike tour because I felt un-safe riding it. Well, at least they did provided helmet. It barely fit my fat head husband but they do have kid size, which answered my pre-cruise question.


Love the night at the Lourve. The Eiffel Tower. I was stupid not assuming Tauck will bring us to the top of the tower. I wasted my time searching for ticket for our time in Paris after Tauck tour, but luckily I couldn't get any ticket. Ha ha. Remember to bring a jacket. No matter how hot in Paris, the top of Eiffel is windy and COLD! Oh and treats, the tour director always have treat for us on the bus ride. Also, the bus was only at 25-30 people capacity so never crowded.

I would love to go on another Tauck tour again, but I will have to recover from this COVID before planning again.

Thanks all that answer all my question before my trip. I am here in return if any one has questions!


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