The Louvre and St Chapelle
Do we need timed tickets to the Louvre, St Chapelle and the Orangerie Museum or other sights if we have the museum or Paris city pass?
Do we need timed tickets to the Louvre, St Chapelle and the Orangerie Museum or other sights if we have the museum or Paris city pass?
You need timed tickets to all 3 you mentioned - it’s very easy to do online. I believe if you look online for museum pass it highlights what locations need timed tickets and what don’t. I went to the Louvre and St Chappell just few weeks ago, they only cared about the actual time at the Louvre
I've gone to St Chapelle as a walk-up and never had any problems. But maybe it wasn't busy the times I was there.
We had to have them for the St Chapelle last Sep. The concierge got them for us..