Landed in Joberg

The Intercontinental Hotel at the Johannesburg airport is a beautiful oasis between flights from the US to Zambia.


  • Yup! :)

  • I'm glad they still offer the option to arrive at the Royal Livingstone by water taxi. Were there any Taucktourians on you flight and did any of them not chose the water taxi?

    You'll see lots more hippos in the days ahead! We saw quite a few along the Chobe River, near the Khwai River Camp, and when we stopped for drinks and a snack during a game drive at Eagle Island camp, we parked very close to a big herd of them. If the water level is low in the Delta, there will be really large numbers of them congregating in deeper spots in the pools and streams, like this group of over 100 hippos I photographed during the helo flight. Buckle up, it just keeps getting better! I will be eager to here more as your journey continues! :)

  • You ain’t seen nothing yet ! Just finished our last day in Cape Town. One week in front of you. Be prepared to be amazed. My best, most diverse of experience yet

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