Mask requirements Spain and Portugal.

We will taking the "Exploring the Douro, plus Lisbon & Madrid" in 2023 and would like to know the mask requirements that recent travelers have experienced. I see on the Spain website that they still require masks while flying or taking public transportation. Does this mean that flying from the US to Spain we will have to wear a mask? Did you have to wear a mask on Taucks tour buses or while on the river cruise. Thanks for for your input.


  • We just returned from that trip. The flying may depend on which airline you fly. We were Delta arriving Lisbon and left from Barcelona on Air France. Neither required masks.

    On the tour I don't remember having to wear masks including on the tour coach.

    We went on to Barcelona on our own and masks were required on the train from Madrid and on the metro trains - but not the stations. Also on the hop on hop off bus (even on the open top deck).

    However, conditions could change between now and your tour so you should keep checking.

  • We were in Spain in October. Masks were required on the metro trains and taxis. They weren’t required on airplanes at least not on American.

  • We were in Spain in September and supposedly a mask was required on inbound flights. We flew Delta, it was not enforced and most passengers did not mask. We flew from Santiago to Madrid. Masks required in the airports and on the airplane. Things change quickly. Have masks. We wore them on the bus most people did not including the guy with the worst cough ever. We came home with COVID, it was miserable.

  • Things are dynamic, so as the other posters said, definitely check right before you go. I went in October (before they lifted the vax and booster requirement to enter) and masks were required on public transport including domestic flights. We flew from Santiago to Madrid and right before takeoff a flight attendant checks to see masks are on but as you can imagine when dealing with the general public mask hygiene can vary (on the chin, under the nose, etc). Flying into or away from Spain internationally it’s a free for all.

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