Perlan Museum

Leaving for Tauck's Iceland cruise in the next 2 weeks and wondered how extensively they cover the Perlan Museum which on line really looks wonderful.
It's scheduled for the first day we meet, in the afternoon prior to boarding ship.
I arrive the day prior so could spend time there if it merits that extra visit.
Thanks all!


  • I did this in 2021 and felt there was ample time at the Perlan Museum. Several interesting exhibits to see, nice views of Reykjavik, etc.

    We even got a little treat/snack to eat in the snack bar.

    There wasn't time to partake of the zip-line that starts there, but watching it was fun.

    Unless you're wanting to do the zip-lining I wouldn't spend your extra day with an additional visit to Perlan. Wandering around Reykjavik is what I'd suggest. The tour doesn't spend a lot of time doing that. You see a few sights in Reykjavik during the tour, but there are additional places you could explore on your own prior to the tour.

  • Howdy,
    We are booked on July 23 tour. We are arriving a day early. We are staying at the Grand. Having read some of the earlier posts it was mentioned that the Grand is a 25-30 minute walk from downtown. Is there Uber/Lyft available, or is taxi the best mode to get downtown? We are sometimes very directionally challenged.

    What sites should we see on our own?

  • We walked from the hotel to the downtown area and back. On the return trip it was via the waterfront. It was a very easy walk.

    I don't know if Uber/Lyft is available.

    For me the most fun of walking around was just experiencing the local stores and eateries. Several buildings have quite amazing paint jobs. We stopped in and had a sweet treat at a local bakery.

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