A Week in Ireland (6/2023)

I can’t say enough about TAUCK. “A Week in Ireland” is a very meticulously planned trip. It would not have been possible to learn about the rich heritage and dynamic culture of the places we explored, without TAUCK’s expertise. Our director, Sam, explained everything notably and we came to know about various interesting things as tourists. (And there were pleasant surprises along the way). Sam is an engaging person with immense knowledge, and he's a wonderful tour guide. I will always remember the great time I had on this vacation.


  • tsfitz - I see you are new to posting in the Forum. As such you may not realize that there are focused areas for various tours.

    You may not realize that you posted your comment about 'A Week in Ireland' in the forum area for Europe/Austria, Czech Republic & Hungary/ A Week in Imperial Europe?

    If you post it in a more appropriate area (an area associated with Ireland) then more interested people will see and appreciate your post. :D

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