Ship weather

Anyone been on the Iceland cruise? What was weather on the ship like? Comfortable to be on the outside decks? Tips on what type clothing to being would be so appreciated. We are on the July 30 cruise.


  • We were on the July 2 departure. Most days the temperature was in the low 40's and it was too chilly to spend much time on our balcony or on deck. A few days the temperature was in the low 50's and sunny making it cool but pleasant to be on deck.
    Clothing should focus on layers. You'll want to be able to add layers when it is cold and rainy and remove them when it warms up. For the captain's welcome and farewell dinners you may want to dress up. For these two nights most men were wearing jackets and ties.

  • Our first night on the ship had very rough seas, My body kept leaving the mattress and falling down again, but that was the only night. We went in 2018 and it was exceptionally rainy and windy at times, but lovely weather when we went to the Blue Lagoon. We enjoyed the tour but there was not enough time off the ship
    Next time we will do a land tour of Iceland

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