Fire in Maui

I was wondering what Tauck was doing about their stay in Maui? I know that the fires have destroyed so much on the Lahaina.
We are scheduled to be there in second week of October.


  • TK, l’m sure Tauck is going to be inundated with calls to ask that question today. Unless they have posted a header on the website. Don’t forget, if you are concerned about uncertainty and you took out Tauck’s insurance, you can just cancel.

  • Looks as if there is only one tour sold out now for the rest of the year and most dates are wide open, so some must be canceling.

  • In the confusion, I've heard mixed messages: tourists should stay away from Maui b/c hotel rooms are needed for those who are now homeless, but on the other hand, the island needs our business now more than ever. Tauck btw dropped Lahaina a while back for 2024, adding a visit to the Maui Ocean Center. Maui is a small island, yet somehow I left feeling we did not do much there. The Lahaina visit has received mixed comments; while I am treasuring my photos of the now-lost parts of Lahaina, I have to admit our stop there was a bit long on a hot, crowded February Sunday.

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