

We are considering the Scandinavian Tour during the month of September, but I get very seasick. I understand that the waters of the fjords are tame, but what has been your experience on the DFDS Ferry while sailing on open waters? Thank you!


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    The itinerary has changed since we took this trip, but I think the ferry rides are the same. One is a short open car ferry and the other longer ride on a larger enclosed car ferry. Both were very smooth. You are on the fjords, not the ocean. More like take a trip on a large lake or river. While I suppose there could be motion if you encountered a significant storm, this would not be the norm. In both cases you can ride outside and enjoy the fresh air, if that helps.

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    I do not know your specific itinerary, but I have taken the DFDS overnight ferry between Kobenhavn and Oslo many times. I have also taken much smaller ferries between Denmark and Sweden. Generally calm unless there is a storm during the longer, overnight voyage; however, even then I would not characterize the waters as rough. Ginger works wonders if you are prone to queasiness.

    Enjoy your journey. The fjords are breathtakingly gorgeous.

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    I, too, did this trip a number of years ago with a revised itinerary. I agree with Ken. The ferries were very smooth.

    We did travel through several very long tunnels in the bus. IIRC, one was the longest car tunnel in the world, being something like 20 miles long, in case that might bother you.

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