Notes about the Andorinha

Just finished the Lisbon to Madrid cruise 9/11/2023.
One of the best cruises we have ever taken.
Many little “Tauck Treats & Surprises”.
Here are a couple of misc. notes about the Andorinha:
The cabin walls are NOT metal (i.e. steel),so magnetic hooks have nearly no place to hang up items. I found only one location and it was the steel door frame inside the walk-in closet and used it for belts and a tie.
There is a light inside the medicine cabinet mirrored doors. The switch is up very high at the top of the cabinet right beside the electrical outlet. It cannot be used as a night light as it turns off with the room lights. There is under counter light which works well as a night light.


  • How were the excursions on your trip. Any recommendations?

  • The Douro cruise with Madrid/Lisbon bookends was our first venture abroad after the world reopened after the pandemic (2021 Nov). We were so delighted to be traveling again and this tour was truly wonderful. We were so enthralled with the beautifully appointed ship that we opted not to do every single excursion.

    Pinhão was the most fun because of the scavenger hunt. All the shopkeepers seemed genuinely thrilled to receive us. Because the ship only sails during the day, we were content staying onboard and navigating through the many locks. The vineyards were ablaze in color since it was fall. We met several other travelers who were also content to experience the amazing views. I did visit two of the Quintas (wineries) and enjoyed both. I did not partake in the bicycle ride.

    I plan on doing this cruise again but sans Madrid/Lisbon (two of my favorite cities), because I want to have pre-and-post tour days in Porto.

    Hope this helps somewhat. This is a very relaxing cruise, even if you participate in all excursions.

  • We so!he'd the night light issue years ago by accident. One of our European adapters has a thin band of light around the rim that's very dim in daylight but bright enough at night. Just enough to help in an unfamiliar room.

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