air travel

We would like to take this trip to Northern India & Nepal. Our hesitation is the terrible air flights over from Atlanta which we find on the Internet. Can anyone give me an example of a possible good flight whether one obtains ones own or whether one uses Tauck, I want an example of a reasonable flight that the total time doesn't take so long.


  • United has a flight from Newark directly to Delhi. We were unable to book this flight because we are using award miles for one ticket for travel for the February 10 tour. Anyway you look at it, it is a long trip. We have layovers in Frankfurk going and Munich coming home on flights booked through United with Luftansa. Hope this helps.
  • We would like to take this trip to Northern India & Nepal. Our hesitation is the terrible air flights over from Atlanta which we find on the Internet. Can anyone give me an example of a possible good flight whether one obtains ones own or whether one uses Tauck, I want an example of a reasonable flight that the total time doesn't take so long.
    We booked 3/16 Newark to Delhi non stop on united. Back 4/6. 14 hours.
  • We would like to take this trip to Northern India & Nepal. Our hesitation is the terrible air flights over from Atlanta which we find on the Internet. Can anyone give me an example of a possible good flight whether one obtains ones own or whether one uses Tauck, I want an example of a reasonable flight that the total time doesn't take so long.

    Just did the air for the October 28, 2013 departure. My TA found a flight with Virgin Atlantic out of JFK by way of Heathrow. The layover is only a couple of hours both going and coming back.

    Bad part is that it leaves at 7:30 am from JFK. You would probably have to come in the night before. The trip back leaves 3:30 in the morning.

  • We would like to take this trip to Northern India & Nepal. Our hesitation is the terrible air flights over from Atlanta which we find on the Internet. Can anyone give me an example of a possible good flight whether one obtains ones own or whether one uses Tauck, I want an example of a reasonable flight that the total time doesn't take so long.
    Our travel agent of twenty years was unable to beat trucks air price on South Africa. Go with tauck
  • We are relaxing after our arrival in Delhi in the early hours, we flew Philadelphia to Heathrow then Delhi.
    If anyone flies via Heathrow, be aware that you have to go through Security again before your ongoing flight, we have used this airport in the past, it is huge and very busy. this time we had only a 1 1/2 hour layover which we knew would be tight. When you get off the plane, make haste and get yourself ahead of the pack to security. In the summer we also had a tight connection and missed our ongoing flight because we failed to understand/see depending on whether you talk to me or my husband, the need to remove our iPads from our bags, it's no longer a requirement in Philly but in Heathrow it is. The info says 'remove Large' electrical items from your carry on. We did not because we were in a hurry after a late landing. Our bags were pulled and after being stuck in a long line of people waiting for secondary screening where every item was taken out of your bag and carefully scrutinized, we missed the next flight. And we call ourselves frequent savvy travelers!
    Sometimes Tauck gets a better deal sometimes not, we have always made decisions based on direct non stop flights, times and also the fact that you don't pay until six weeks before departure with Tauck. About half have been Tauck about half on our own. When you book a Tauck vacation maybe a whole year ahead, my husband hates to pay for the flight so much in advance, especially if it's an expensive one.
    Best advice of all, go a couple of days early to get over jet lag. Today we were under no pressure to do anything, we awoke at 11-20am after getting to bed 3am. We booked a cooking lesson for tomorrow and a massage. We learned Philly got lots of snow yesterday, but we got here earlier so no worries. We hope to be in good shape for the start of tour the following day. Husband asleep now at 7pm, I'm chillin

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